select OBJECT_NAME(referencing_id) from sys.sql_expression_dependencies
where referenced_entity_name='tblSiteUsers'
where referenced_entity_name='tblSiteUsers'
<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick"ValidatePage();" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidatePage() {
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) == 'function') {
if (Page_IsValid) {
// do something
alert('Page is valid!');
else {
// do something else
alert('Page is not valid!');
SELECT AccessTabF1.Month, AccessTabF1.Year, AccessTabF1.[Entity Number],
case when [Exp Year] = 2010 + 1 -- why not = 2011 ?
then 'Expires in 1 to 5 Years' -- this does not match the logic on line above
when [Exp Year] > 2010 + 5 -- why not > 2015 ?
then 'Expires After 5 Years'
else 'No Expiration Year Listed'
from AccessTabF1
<configuration> <system.web> <!-- This will handle requests up to 1024MB (1GB) --> <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" timeout="3600" /> </system.web> </configuration> <!-- IIS Specific Targeting (noted by the system.webServer section) --> <system.webServer> <security> <requestFiltering> <!-- This will handle requests up to 1024MB (1GB) --> <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1048576000" /> </requestFiltering> </security> </system.webServer>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" />
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824" />
is measured in bytes while maxRequestLength
is measured in kilobytes, which is why the values differ in this config example. (Both are equivalent to 1 GB.)